What is Workiz Genius?

Workiz Genius is a AI-powered toolkit of powerful capabilities designed to elevate nearly every aspect of how field service professionals work with features like Smart Messaging and Call Insights, Workiz Genius learns from your interactions and provides personalized support tailored to your unique needs.

Workiz Genius Ai Messaging

Smart messaging: enhancing customer communication

One of the standout features of Workiz Genius is Smart Messaging. This tool can easily compose context-aware message options, provide you with suggested replies, edit your existing messages to be written more professionally and more. All of this is done while taking into account the context of the conversation, your client, and your history with them. Smart Messaging ensures effective communication with new leads and long-term clients, increasing faster workflows by 55%.

Imagine a customer inquiries about a specific service you offer. Smart Messaging draws from your previous interactions and workflow history to suggest a detailed, professional response. Not only does this save you time, but it also ensures a consistent, high-quality experience for your customers and increases your customer satisfaction by 45%.

Workiz Genius Ai Calls

Call insights: unlocking valuable information

Another powerful feature of Workiz Genius is Call Insights. Using advanced AI technology, Call Insights analyzes your recorded calls and highlights key information you might have missed. It summarizes calls and identifies potential upsell opportunities, flags customer concerns, and even pinpoints areas where your team could benefit from additional training. Providing you with suggested actions for smarter business decisions and 38% increased revenue.

Imagine your company implemented Call Insights and then you discover that many of your customers are asking about eco-friendly options. Armed with this insight, you update your product offerings and train your team to discuss the benefits of energy-saving units. As a result, your company not only increased sales but also differentiated yourselves as an environmentally conscious business.

Workiz Genius Ai Leads

Increasing lead generation with Genius Leads

Genius Leads takes the hassle out of manually entering lead information by automatically creating new leads in your Workiz account whenever you receive service request emails. Whether it’s website inquiries, warranty requests, or emails from third-party lead providers, Genius Leads intelligently separates and extracts the relevant data, eliminating the need for manual entry. With this “set it and forget it” solution, you can capture every opportunity, even when you’re on the go or focused on other aspects of your business. By automating your lead generation process, Genius Leads saves you valuable time and effort, allowing you to focus on what matters most: providing exceptional service and growing your business.

Implementing Workiz Genius

The best part about Workiz Genius? It’s incredibly easy to implement. With just a few clicks, you can activate the smart assistant and start enjoying its benefits. And if you’re new to Workiz, the platform’s intuitive interface and helpful onboarding resources make getting started a breeze. When using Workiz Genius our users saw a 33% reduction in response time and a 45% increase in reported customer satisfaction.

To maximize the impact of Workiz Genius, consider these best practices:

  1. Encourage your team to use Smart Messaging and provide feedback on the suggestions.
  2. Regularly review Call Insights to identify at-risk customers and uncover opportunities you may have missed.
  3. Set aside time each month to train your team according to the insights and discuss potential action items.

The future of feld service management with AI

As artificial intelligence continues to advance, tools like Workiz Genius are quickly becoming increasingly essential for field service businesses. By automating repetitive tasks you can save 30 hours a week, providing valuable insights, and enhancing customer interactions, Workiz Genius helps professionals like you focus on what matters most – delivering top-quality service and growing your business.

Workiz is committed to staying at the forefront of AI innovation in the field service industry. As the platform evolves, you can expect even more advanced features and capabilities designed to help you thrive in an increasingly competitive landscape.