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  • Episode #1
  • February 26, 2024
  • 23 min

Contractor Success: from construction to digital marketing

Lewis Vandervalk, a serial entrepreneur and digital marketing expert, shares his journey from construction to starting his own digital marketing business tailored for contractors. He emphasizes the importance of mentors and coaches in his growth and development, as well as the need to constantly learn and stay ahead in the digital marketing industry. Lewis discusses the unique challenges and opportunities in serving contractors and shares a success story of implementing results-driven marketing tactics. He highlights the significance of SEO and providing valuable information to potential clients. Lewis concludes with advice for aspiring entrepreneurs, encouraging them to learn, implement, and embrace failure.

Episode 1 Show Notes



Lewis, a serial entrepreneur and published author, transitioned from a background in construction engineering to starting his own digital marketing business. The pivotal moment that inspired him was the birth of his first son, realizing he wanted to have a family and be more than just an employee. He saw a need for marketing services tailored to contractors and decided to combine his love of marketing with his understanding of the trades. Lewis emphasizes the importance of mentors in compressing time and learning from their mistakes. He shares a success story of a client who initially doubted the effectiveness of SEO but saw significant ROI after implementing the right strategies. Lewis advises aspiring entrepreneurs to continuously learn, not be afraid of failure, and surround themselves with people who challenge and push them to grow.



entrepreneurship, digital marketing, contractors, mentors, SEO, success story



  • Transitioning from one industry to another requires identifying a need and combining existing knowledge with new skills.
  • Mentors play a crucial role in compressing time and learning from their mistakes.
  • Effective marketing strategies for contractors include answering customer questions, building a strong brand, and utilizing SEO.
  • Success in digital marketing requires continuous learning, embracing failure, and surrounding oneself with people who challenge and push for growth.



  • The Power of Mentors in Entrepreneurship
  • Success Story: Doubting SEO to Doubling ROI


Sound Bites

  • “Transitioning from a background in construction engineering to starting your own digital marketing business.”
  • “Mentors compress time and help avoid making unnecessary mistakes.”
  • “Success story: Doubting SEO to doubling ROI.”




Introduction and Lewis’s Background


Pivotal Moment: Birth of First Son


Building a Strong Business Foundation

About the speakers

Podcast Img Lewis
Lewis Vandervalk
Founder, Blue Crocus Solutions

We’re thrilled to have Lewis Vandervalk joining us. Lewis is not your typical entrepreneur. Hailing from New Brunswick, Canada, he’s a serial entrepreneur and a published author with a fascinating journey.

Armed with a degree in Mechanical Engineering and a background in construction and trades, Lewis took a leap into the digital realm in 2019. Despite lacking formal business or sales experience, he ventured into the world of digital marketing, focusing specifically on contractors.

His company, Blue Crocus Solutions, has become a beacon of success in the industry, offering a suite of services including web design, SEO, and Google ads tailored to the unique needs of contractors.

Join us as we delve into Lewis’s story, uncovering the secrets behind his success, the lessons learned along the way, and the invaluable insights he has to offer to aspiring entrepreneurs.

Caitlin Dwyer Podcast
Caitlin Dwyer

A Boston native turned California resident, blending my background in acting with a passion for sales. Over time, I’ve immersed myself in the world of Field and Home Service, uncovering the inner workings of this fascinating industry.

What I’ve found is a vibrant community of service professionals, each with their own journey marked by tales of resilience and triumph. Their stories, filled with grit and grace, serve as a testament to the remarkable growth potential within this field.

Now, I’ve partnered with Workiz to share these inspiring narratives through our new podcast, Workiz Unplugged. Together, we aim to uplift and motivate individuals within the industry, offering insights and lessons from those who have thrived in the face of challenges.

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Are you a home service professional eager to share your insights and experience with us on our podcast?

Sign up to be a guest at Workiz Unplugged, our field service podcast, and join our host, Caitlin Dwyer, a Boston native turned California transplant, as she shares inspiring narratives and offers insights and lessons from those who have thrived in the face of challenges.

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