The challenges: outdated management methods and limited communication options

Before implementing Workiz, Carvajal Mechanical Corp relied heavily on printed documents, memory-based notes, and other outdated methods to manage projects, track costs, and monitor technician working hours. This old school approach led to disorganization, accounting errors, and inefficiencies that adversely impacted both the company’s growth and their relationships with clients.

Additionally, maintaining effective communication with clients was a significant challenge. Calls were often mixed with personal and business conversations, making it difficult to keep track of important information and maintain professionalism.

Illustration Pay

Workiz as the preferred solution

Workiz was chosen as the preferred solution to address the challenges faced by Carvajal Mechanical Corp. The onboarding process was smooth and efficient, providing the company with the necessary tools, knowledge, and support to fully implement the software.

With Workiz, Carvajal Mechanical Corp was able to better manage their jobs, projects, costs, and technician time allocation on a daily basis. This led to increased organization, enhanced communication, and ultimately, increased clientele and profitability.

Hvac Installation Rooftop

Features and results

One of the standout features of Workiz is its automated messaging system. This allowed Carvajal Mechanical Corp to send personalized reminders to clients, as well as update them on technician arrival times, invoices, and other pertinent information. This improved communication with clients and made it easier to stay connected and finish jobs more efficiently.

Moreover, Workiz provided an integrated phone system to separate business and personal calls, greatly enhancing professionalism and the overall client experience.

In addition, maintaining work year round is always a struggle for HVAC companies because there is a low and high season. In this case Melissa and her husband’s business utilized service plans in the Workiz platform. The service plan feature lets you generate continuous business all year round with their automated annual customer contract renewals.

“By using the service plan feature, it has helped our business in effectively managing low seasons and ensuring a consistent flow of clientele”

Melissa Carvajal

The company also benefited from Workiz Pay, which offered a lower interest rate compared to other competitors. This enabled Carvajal Mechanical Corp to keep a more detailed record of outstanding invoices and payments, saving time and streamlining the billing process. Clients could easily choose from various payment methods, such as credit cards or even recording checks, making payments more convenient for both the company and its customers.

Hvac Technician Issuing Invoice

With Workiz Pay, Carvajal Mechanical Corp also experienced a significant reduction in accounting mistakes. All financial records were available within Workiz, providing their accounting and finance departments with the necessary information to make informed decisions.

By implementing Workiz, Carvajal Mechanical Corp saved approximately 10-15 hours per week. This allowed the company to operate more efficiently and allowed employees to work reasonable hours which contributed positively to the work-life balance.

Conclusion: client recommendation

Melissa Carvajal highly recommends Workiz for HVAC companies, as well as any other businesses that require dispatching and efficient management. Workiz is user-friendly, easy to onboard, and helped the company streamline operations, increase organization and boost their profits. Workiz has equipped Carvajal Mechanical Corp with the tools to manage their team, workflow, and expand their operations in a sustainable and successful manner.