Will you allow your local competitors to outsmart you? or outwork you? Will you allow the owners of another company to provide a better work experience for their staff than you do? You should win in EVERY single category that exists. Becoming a nightmare to compete with starts NOW!

Direct mail, door hangers, flyers, and postcards still work for many home service businesses. This is a proactive sales system- as Daniel Dixon, CEO of SendJim explains- it’s like a water faucet- you can turn it off and on as needed. With proactive systems, you can control the flow as it changes throughout your business seasons. With the help of business tools like Workiz, you can become a nightmare to compete within your local market! Do you have a system for your team? How do they answer the phone? What do their uniforms look like? What does your lead workflow include? These are systems that truly matter when it comes to Customer Experience!

Hyper-targeting is a great way to dial into your ideal customer demographic. Who is buying your services? What types of neighborhoods are they in? What kind of homes do they have? It’s so important to utilize your customer list to understand your current demographic and then pivot as needed if you decide you want to serve a different type of clientele.

By driving more business in the neighborhoods of your most high-ticket clients, you can increase sales and book more jobs. Have you ever tried marketing to the neighbors of your current customers? We’ve all seen those yard signs showcasing a recent paint job, pool installation, or landscaping work. This really does help build your brand in each neighborhood! Become the expert of the neighborhoods you’d like to work in getting those higher ticket services booked and have a higher lifetime value with your customers.

Now more than ever, locksmiths, carpet cleaners, appliance repair specialists, junk removal professionals, plumbers, HVAC techs, and other essential home service providers need to utilize efficient systems to help take their business to the top. With the SendJim and Workiz Zapier integration, you can send your closed jobs directly to SendJIm so they can automatically mail out postcards or other options to the neighbors of your customers! Gain more leads without any hassle.

Check out this 30-minute webinar by Daniel Dixon at SendJim in collaboration with Workiz. In this informative webinar, you will learn the difference between proactive & reactive sales, how neighbor marketing can help your home service biz, and why consistency & follow-up are KEY components to beating out the competition! After the webinar, be sure to grab your special offer at our features page