Without customers, you have no income, so getting more jobs is a high priority for every carpet cleaning company, however, not every business owner is a marketer, and knowing the best approach for carpet cleaning marketing can be a real challenge.

There are two obvious challenges, the first is increased competition, this happens in every industry, there are just more people starting businesses, and that means more people trying to get your customer’s money. The second challenge is creating an effective carpet cleaning marketing plan. A plan is essential of course, but it’s not always clear what the best strategy may be. Below, we’ve listed a few marketing tools and provided you with a carpet cleaning marketing plan you can use to allow for more growth and ensure that your business gains new customers.

1. Turn your clients into repeat customers

We start off with an essential part of any carpet cleaning marketing plan, every customer should be a returning customer. This is the most important point, as winning new customers through your carpet cleaning marketing will not achieve the growth you are looking for if you cannot keep your existing ones. Retention gives you a platform to grow from.

The first step for repeat customers is ensuring that every job is performed well, and each customer is satisfied with the service. One tip to making this happen is getting a tool to send automatic notifications to clients and constantly keep them updated. After that, regular contact should be a part of your carpet cleaning marketing strategy, with a loyalty discount or other offers being a great way to encourage annual or bi-annual cleaning.

woman opening her door for carpet cleaning

2. Take your branding to the next level

With ever more competition, standing out from the crowd is essential, and you do that with branding. These days, you can find incredible designers on sites like Freelancer, Upwork, and Fiverr who will create a beautiful, memorable logo for you, and it’s a worthwhile investment for your carpet cleaning marketing plan.

Of course, you also need to associate that logo with your business, so make sure it appears on your van, website, online ads, and so on. By delivering a quality service, you can quickly build a brand that helps you attract new customers through a positive image and word of mouth.

cleaning services branding

3. Use lead generation websites

The reality today is that we spend a lot of time online, whether it’s on phones, tablets or computers, and if you need to find something, you Google it. So does everyone else, including your potential customers.

There are many options for putting your business in front of potential customers online, one of the best are dedicated websites that people are already visiting to find contractors. Sites like Thumbtack provide an easy way to reach new customers.

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4. Create Google Ads that target your customers

Another way to reach new customers online is through ads. You’ve seen them yourself. If you search for something, at the top of the results, you get some paid ads that are relevant to the search. They are very effective and surprisingly cost-effective.

The key, though, is having your ads show up when the right search words are used. These are known as keywords, and for any carpet cleaning marketing plan, you need to know the right keywords to associate with your content. The good news is that there are many online tools and recommendations to help you track your keywords and refine your ads to meet the most effective search terms. In addition, you need to be tracking the results of your campaigns using tools such as the Workiz Ad Tracking tool to see which ads are working best and bringing in the most revenue.

google adwords

5. Quickly and efficiently engage with your website visitors

Websites are great for getting your message out to your current and potential customers, you can regularly update work schedules and capabilities and let your audience get to know you, making them more likely to become a customer.

But that is even more effective if you can interact with your visitors, let them ask questions, and even schedule a visit. The trouble is, you’re busy. You don’t have time to sit waiting for visitors on your site. That is where a chatbot comes in, it can act as your virtual receptionist, working 24/7 for you and even booking appointments while you get on with running the business.

online scheduling interface

6. Keep it simple for customers

One thing to remember with your carpet cleaning marketing is to keep everything simple for your customers. Don’t make them do more than the minimum to find information, get in touch with you or book a service. That means, if your ad sends them to your website, let them book directly from the site.

If you add extra steps, such as sending an email, phoning, or anything, you are giving that prospect an excuse not to follow through and use your service. An online booking widget not only takes care of booking for you, freeing up your time but is also easy for customers.

booking jobs online

7. Incorporate offline marketing activities

We’ve focused on online activities quite a bit here, and for a good reason, it is simply where most of us look for services today, but that doesn’t mean we should all ignore other opportunities for carpet cleaning marketing.

Local fairs and events are a great opportunity to get involved with community activities and raise awareness about your business. You can also create a partnership with a local store. You can offer the store owners a small percentage of the sale if they bring you new clients. Flyers, billboards, and so on are all effective too and can be incorporated into your carpet cleaning marketing plan.

offline flyer

8. Get your business on Google Maps

Have you seen those entries on Google maps, where businesses are highlighted at their specific location? That’s really effective in promoting any business, and the good news is that it is easy to get for yours too.

Simply create your Google my business account, which is completely free. Add in all the details required, and your business will appear directly in Google Maps. If someone searches for carpet cleaning in your area, they can click straight through from the map to your website. Take a few photos of your van, office, or some action shots, and they can be part of the presentation. This way, your carpet cleaning marketing has the power of Google working for it!

google maps on tablet


Creating an effective carpet cleaning marketing plan means getting the basics right, and then building with new ideas that will put your business name in front of potential customers. Through dedicated websites full of those actively seeking your service, and using technology to provide the interaction that allows potential customers to find the information and book a service at their convenience.

By removing barriers and putting your business brand in front of as many potential customers as possible both on and offline, you can build a strong customer base and start making more money fast.

Try out Workiz today and get your own chatbot, ads tracking tool, and much more! 

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The leading field service platform for teams. Schedule jobs, dispatch, invoice, track performance, and get paid — all in one platform.